Pierce School Rules
✰ Be Safe ✰ Be Respectful ✰ Be Responsible ✰
✰ Every child and adult is to be treated with respect.
✰ Respect the privacy of others by keeping your hands to yourself. Fighting and rough play will
not be tolerated.
✰ Students are not to come to the office without a pass or without an adult. If a student has
business to take care of in the office at recess, friends are to wait outside on the playground.
✰ Students will not be allowed to use the phone to change their lunch plans, alter after school
plans or make other “convenience” type phone calls.
✰ Please WALK on all cement or blacktop areas and inside classrooms and buildings.
✰ Once you are on school property, please walk your bicycle to the bike rack. Only students in grades 3-5 should ride bikes to school. Students in primary grades may ride bikes, IF THEY ARE ACCOMPANIED BY AN ADULT BOTH WAYS. Please use the bike rack and lock your bikes, we are not responsible for stolen property. NO SKATEBOARDS OR SCOOTERS ARE ALLOWED ON CAMPUS.
✰ No students are allowed in a room without adult supervision.
✰ No hanging around after school is dismissed. Please go home or to your designated area (bus
line, carpool area, or after school program) as soon as possible.
✰ No gum or soda is allowed at school. No food is allowed on the playground at anytime.
✰ Students may bring water bottles to school, but they must contain ONLY water. If students do
not use water bottles appropriately, they will lose this privilege.
✰ Please help keep our campus beautiful. Pick up any litter you see. We can all help.
✰ Use restrooms during recess times. Help keep our restrooms clean by not playing in them and
by picking up after yourself. Food is never allowed in the restrooms.
✰ Stop playing when the bell rings, and line up immediately.
✰ Enjoy your time at Pierce School and take advantage of all it has to offer. Be courteous, kind and thoughtful of others. Work hard, believe in your abilities, and take pride in your work.
✰ Panthers Are Cool! ✰ ✰ They Follow the Rules! ✰